Welcome to our website! It is an honor and a pleasure to serve as Principal of Scott Elementary School, the home of the “Tigers” in Pre-Kindergarten through sixth grades.
This year we earned the distinction of being named an "A - exemplary" school by the state of Indiana and this spring we also learned that Scott was named a “Four Star” school by the state.
The Indiana Dept. of Education established the 25th percentile cut score for combined passing percentages of English/Language Arts and Mathematics, as well as, the percent of students passing both for all grades tested. In addition to meeting these criteria, all Four Star Schools must meet the 95 percent student participation rate.
We attribute our tradition of academic success to our winning team; hard-working students, an outstanding team of educators who keep abreast of best practice, and wonderful parents who actively support their children, our staff and our school. Thank you for making Scott an exemplary school!
Scott is located on the north side of Evansville. We are proud to be a fully accredited elementary school. We are part of the North and Central Attendance Districts and the Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation. Our students transition to North Junior High and Thompkins Middle Schools and then to North or Central High Schools.
Our curriculum and instructional practices are research-based, engaging, and effective. Students are assessed frequently, both formally and informally, to determine their needs and plan instruction. We maintain a climate that is child-centered and focused on learning. We strive to provide the kind of individual attention that promotes students' success both academically and socially making our large school seem like a smaller, more personal one.
Scott’s parents play an integral role in our students’ success. Our active PTA provides valuable time, support and resources for our children. I hope you will consider becoming a member of the PTA. There are many ways in which you can participate. Together we can provide our children with the best educational experience possible.
My door is always open. Should you have questions, concerns, or comments please contact me at 812-867-2427 or by
The staff and I are grateful that you have entrusted us with your most valuable treasure, your child. You have our assurance that we will continue to create a learning environment focused on academic excellence. As always, your child’s best interest will serve as the measure by which we gauge our work. We are looking forward to having another great year!
Warmest regards,
Kimber L. Scarlett
Principal - Lead Learner
Scott Elementary School