
libraryOnline Library Catalog
To search Scott Elementary School’s library collection click the Destiny link below:

A feature of Destiny that students may use is Destiny Quest. After clicking the above link, click on Scott School and then catalog. A menu on the left side of the page has a tab for Destiny Quest. Destiny Quest features a visual search catalog of Scott School’s library collection and also has fun features like the top 10 books checked out in the library (The Wimpy Kid books are very popular) and the new books in the library.

Indiana State Library

Indiana has a great resource for information called Inspire. Accessible to all people in Indiana, it has databases to search for articles, practice tests for SATs and other exams, Indiana history resources, and even some e-books. The articles come from books or magazines and will be recognized by teachers as “print” materials instead of online sources. Best of all for kids, there are encyclopedias and even searches just for kids. If you’d like to save your resource list as you go along there’s even a way to log-in and keep articles in your own personal folder. Press the link below to explore:

Kids Search is the easiest of the search engines for youth. You can search for your topic and ask for a certain kind of resource (magazine, book and encyclopedia, biography, even photos, maps, & flags). You can also limit to your reading level if you know your lexile range. This is a perfect site for elementary school kids. Press the link below to explore (the Kids Search link is listed on the bottom left part of the INSPIRE page):

Student Research Center (listed at the bottom of the page) offers the same resources as Inspire Kids but at a higher level. This is a perfect site for upper elementary and middle school youth. Press the link to get started (the Student Research Center link will be listed on the bottom of the INSPIRE page).

Scott Library Blog
Keep reading, Scott Tigers! Check out the reading programs, games, creative writing websites and FREE online books with the myOn Books program. Keep your skills strong and your imagination engaged! Question, Ponder and Pursue New Knowledge! --
For directions to myOn Books and numerous online educational games, visit:
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